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Housing Benefit Subsidy Awareness & Housing Benefit Overpayments
Two thematically linked topics where mistakes cost money!
Available for In-House Bookings for individual organisations, either On-Site or Online.
A session divided between subsidy awareness, especially ensuring that expenditure on non-general needs accommodation is correctly accounted for, and that the most subsidy-efficient procurement models are being maximized when placing homeless clients in temporary accommodation. Paired with overpayments - calculation, recoverability, from whom recoverable, notification and appeal rights.
NOTE: The overpayment session is about the decision-making aspects of overpayments – this Workshop is NOT aimed at people involved in debt recovery, and we do NOT look at issues such as DWP deductions, attachment of earnings, insolvency, etc.
The day begins with an overview of the HB subsidy arrangements: Where to find the law governing HB subsidy and the official DWP guidance, and a brief account of the external audit process.
We then move on to look at HB subsidy in several key areas, beginning with War Pensions / Armed Forces compensation payments where two problems typically arise:
Making sure that payments attracting 100% disregard under the HB Regulations are identified;
Next we consider the complex array of procurement models used to provide temporary accommodation to homeless people, especially those with support needs. Paying the wrong amount of HB, or claiming the wrong rate of subsidy, can result in underclaimed subsidy or disputes with auditors about alleged overclaims. In the first half of this Workshop, we separate out all the issues and thoroughly analyse the implications for both HB entitlement and government subsidy:
o Which LA administers the HB award and how does this affect subsidy?
We then turn our attention to overpayments, focusing on the most common mistakes:
Presented by Peter Barker, a hugely experienced trainer, appeals presenter and submission writer. He started as a local authority appeals officer in the 1980s, and for many years he has represented local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland at both First-Tier and Upper Tribunal level. Tribunal Judges frequently comment on the high quality of Peter’s submissions. He combines a wealth of first-hand experience with expert knowledge of adjudication legislation and has a real enthusiasm for the topic.
Topics Covered:
HB Subsidy Awareness:
o The Subsidy Order
o External audit
o Identifying 100% disregarded payments in HB Regs
o Identifying payments eligible for local disregard
o Cases that still need referral
o Effect on HB award and subsidy rate
o Exempt accommodation and other cases
o Definition for subsidy purposes
o Tenure / procurement
o English LAs and social housing regulation
o Definition for HB/UC entitlement purposes (NB: Not the same as the subsidy definition!)
o Overlap with “exempt” and “specified accommodation”
§ Which takes precedence?
o HB entitlement v HB subsidy
o Out of borough placements
HB Overpayments:
o Partners
o Changes of address
Contact us for In-House booking information for this topic.
We are always pleased to arrange most of our Workshops, such as this one, for staff from an individual organisation. Please email us with your requirements for details.
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